Annual General Meeting 2023

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Jun 24 - Jun 24, 2023
In Person + Online option

SNAP invites all members to our 2023 AGM at SNAP both online and in-person on Saturday, June 24th 2023 at 5:00 pm. The AGM will be followed by food and drinks, and an opening reception for our new exhibitions!

Special thanks to outgoing board member and SNAP superstar Elliot Kerr for the treats!

How to RSVP

All SNAP members who wish to attend are asked to please RSVP through the link below. You must sign up to receive a meeting link and email package, but you are welcome to drop in at the in-person meeting where there will be paper copies. An AGM package including 2022 meeting minutes, financial statements, bylaw updates & 2023 Board slate will be emailed to attendees who RSVP, prior to the AGM.

Attendees who are not currently members are also welcome at the AGM, but you need a membership to be able to vote. Please reach out to [email protected] if you have any questions regarding membership or your account.


A meeting package including 2022 meeting minutes, financial statements, bylaw updates & 2023 Board slate will be forwarded via email in advance of the AGM.

Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists: 2023 Annual General Meeting

Date: Saturday, June 24th 2023 at 5:00 pm

Location: SNAP, 10572 115 St. NW, Edmonton, AB T5H 3K6

Online Accessibility: 

We will be making arrangements for members to attend virtually through a Zoom call. The zoom link will be emailed to all members who RSVP.


  1. Call to order: Kerri-Lynn, Chair
  2. Call of New Business & Approval of Agenda: Motion
  3. Approval of Minutes: July 9, 2022 AGM: Motion
  4. President’s Report: Kerri-Lynn
  5. Executive Director’s Report: Caitlin Bodewitz
  6. Presentation of 2022 Financial Statements: Elliot Kerr
  7. Appointment of External Auditor for 2023: Motion
  8. Election of Board of Directors
  9. Nomination of New Directors
  10. Approval of Board Slate:  Motion
  11. Approve By-law changes: Motion
  12. Other Business: Open Floor Q & A and Discussion
  13. Adjournment:  Motion
Opening Reception at 7PM
The AGM will be followed by food, drinks and celebration at our opening reception starting at 7PM, featuring our new shows Mending Roots by Edward Fu-Chen Juan and Today’s Special by Yilu Xing (current Emerging Artist in Residence). We hope you can join us as we celebrate these exciting new shows! Stay tuned to our website for more info about the reception.

Renew your membership prior to the AGM here:

Your contributions to our community are valued and we would love to see you at the AGM!


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