Message from the SNAPline Committee Issue Punchline 2021.3 Description: A comic drawn in light blue pencils, in the style of a zoom meeting screen. The 7 SNAPline committee members are seen in their zoom screens smiling at the camera. The text over their boxes read the following message: “Welcome to a pandemic era SNAPline meeting. Is the sight of arrayed video call boxes imprinted on your brain too? I’ll take any chance to see these faces, even if it is through a screen. Punchline is a fully graphic issue featuring comics and illustrations. We figured that everyone could use a laugh (see: the melon-choly watermelon) or a moment of reflection. We would love to continue publishing comics and illustrations in future issues. Keep an eye out for SNAPline calls and send us a pitch!” The Illustration is by Sergio Serrano and Text by Charlie Crittenden