Gabriela Jolowicz


SNAPline featured artist: Gabriela Jolowicz

Gabriela Jolowicz was born in Salzgitter, Germany. Her studies led from Communication Design to Book Arts/Graphic Design with the focus on Illustration and Printmaking. In 2008 the LUBOK press from Leipzig published her woodcut series as a book titled Megabillig, printed from original woodblocks. She won the First Prize of the International Artprize Holzschnitt Heute (Woodcut Today) of the Stiftung Kunst, Kultur und Bildung Ludwigsburg (D) in 2012. Two years later she was awarded a honourable mention by the XVII the German International Exhibition of Graphic Art in Frechen (D). Her woodcuts have been shown in many international exhibitions, including the International Print Centre New York, the Museo Nacional de la Estampa in Mexico City and the Museum der bildenden Kuenste in Leipzig. The artist currently lives and works in Berlin, Germany.

Gabriela Jolowicz, SZ-See, 20.3 x 25.4 cm, woodcut, 2018

Artist statement

The scenes on my woodcuts are based upon actual events. The various parts of a picture can be reconstructed by any of the following sources: my memory, online search engines, book illustrations, own photos, life drawing, found materials, conversations or imagination. Stylistically the entire art history may serve me as a book of samples. Once the knife cuts into the wood, it is irrevocable. The knife and the rigidity of the wood force my hand to operate in a certain manner. The plywood I use only allows a certain amount of detailing and I execute each picture in one single woodblock. These restrictions make it possible for me to develop the image. The woodcut is a visual medium of the past. Its original function as a carrier of information rather than a form of art—plays into the perception of the onlooker.

The print Gabriela Jolowicz created for SNAPline members is called SZ-See, which is short for Salzgittersee, a lake nearby from where the artist grew up.

To see more of Gabriela’s work visit:

Purchase Gabriela’s SNAPline print here or in person at SNAP Gallery.