Issue: 2020.1 Hindsight 20/20 Something happens… and your mind churns with the possibilities of what might have happened. You know that it could have gone another way. You ponder different realities, different outcomes, different lives. But how often is our hindsight 20/20? Revisiting the past, whether as personal stories or examining historical events, can bring matters into focus, offer reflection on previous mistakes, identify how to transition to a new state, and anticipate a path into possible futures as to what to do better and what to avoid. New material and process innovations are replacing practices involving toxic materials in printmaking. Personal chronicles are connecting to individuals with shared experiences and offering insights to others. Artists are challenging dominant historical narratives, re-envisioning the past, and creating multifaceted histories of opposing, overlapping, and parallel views. With these notions in mind, our contributors to this hefty issue bring you SNAPline, Hindsight 20/20, with featured artist Meghan Pohlod. At a time when the future is more unknown and murkier than usual, it seems a good time to be looking back. There are beautiful bits of nostalgia throughout this publication and some well-placed advice from 20 printmakers across the country. Click here to buy Meghan Pohlod’s print commissioned for this issue. Download PDF
Looking Back (and Forward) in Suspended Time Collage and words by Sydney Lancaster It wasn't supposed to be like this. This article was supposed to be straightforward: I would interview Robin Smith-Peck and Marc Siegner to chat about SNAP’s beginnings and what they felt was in store... Read More
Where do we go from here? SNAPline Flash Fiction Contest SNAPline invites you to submit a story of 500 words (or less) to our 2020 Flash Fiction Contest, with the winner and runner-up to be published in our last issue of the year. We want encapsulated... Read More
20 Artists Looking Back BARBARA BALFOUR “Practice. Experiment. Learn from your mistakes. When a gallery dealer offers to send images of your work to a curator in New York, don’t hesitate to do it. Not everything has to be a print.” TARA COOPER “Cowboy... Read More
Featured Artist: Meghan Pohlod SNAPline featured artist: Meghan Pohlod Meg Pohlod is a print artist based in the Bay Area. She is the Artist Residency Manager and Adult Classes Coordinator at Kala Art Institute in Berkeley, California. She received her MFA in printmaking from... Read More
The History of Printmaking from Wood Blocks to the Digital Age Artwork and words by Paul Twa Printmaking has been a part of our visual culture for centuries, and the techniques under its umbrella have evolved over time to become increasingly sophisticated and precise. In today's world, we often take for... Read More
My Process – Myken McDowell Article by Wendy McGrath “We all want a story,” says Myken McDowell. McDowell’s quest for narrative involves excavating memory to explore both its vacancy and fullness. Her evocative work scrapes at layers of an ever-growing archive; with source materials that... Read More