SNAP Casino Volunteering Guidelines Posted: Oct 20, 2022 in News Share Facebook-Logo Twitter-Logo Linkedin pinterest Mail-Logo Are you an absolute angel who wants to help SNAP by volunteering for a Casino shift? Below you can find important information regarding Casino volunteering, including details on positions, and Casino rules. Casino volunteer sessions are one of the most important sources of revenue for SNAP and helps sustain our yearly programming including gallery exhibitions, printshop upkeep, and opportunities for artists. Upcoming Casino – November 7 & 8, 2022 Ready to volunteer for our first Casino of 2022 on November 7 & 8? Sign up directly through the links below! (You no longer need to email us to sign up!) Volunteers receive a free meal, candy bars, and our unlimited love and appreciation! Additionally SNAP will cover transportation costs to and from the location. Location: Pure Casino Yellowhead12464 153 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5V 1S5 Deadline to sign up: October 31 Volunteer on Monday November 7 Volunteer on Tuesday November 8 CASINO VOLUNTEER POSITIONS GENERAL MANAGER: Responsible for all areas of the casino (cash cage, count room, security, and the gaming floor.) General Manager or the Alternate General Manager must be in the casino at all times. Must ensure that there are a sufficient number of volunteers for each day. Must ensure that volunteers do not fill any more than one position for the duration of the casino. (Volunteers can work as many shifts as they want to, but they cannot change jobs.) Controls drop box keys. Makes sure signed cheques are available on the second day to pay expenses. Please review the Casino Terms and Conditions booklet that comes in your package from Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission. BANKER: Controls the main Cash Cage chip and cash floats. Assisted in all areas by the Cash Cage Advisor. Busy times are during; opening, volunteer shift changes and closing procedures. Responsible for documentation of all cash/chip transfers from the main float. This information is recorded on the computer, therefore computer skills are an asset. Some administrative experience and/or math skills are helpful in this position. CASHIER: This position can be quite challenging and requires concentration and accuracy. Transactions include cashing out chips for players and making change. You have your own float and do not share your cash/chip float with anyone. Cash-handling skills and being a bit street wise are definite assets. Not a job for colour-blind volunteers. CHIP RUNNER: You are a chip courier (runner) for chip orders to and from the table games. You must be able to move around the gaming floor and carry chips in their delivery racks. This position is busy at the opening and closing times of the casino. You will always be accompanied on your chip runs by security. COUNT ROOM SUPERVISOR: Assisted by the Count Room Advisor you will keep records of the cash and chip counts. Some administrative experience and math skills are very helpful. You are not required to handle cash or chips. COUNT ROOM STAFF: You sort, count, verify and amalgamate cash from the table games drop boxes. At least one volunteer in the Count Room should have good cash handling skills. Volunteers should be good working with their hands. Courtesy of: CHERYL MCNALLEY/LINKION BOODRAM CASH CAGE/COUNTROOM ADVISOR SPECIALISTS Important Info for Casino Volunteers Here are some important details that you need to know as a volunteer in the casino. A volunteer General Manager(s) from your organization will manage your casino. An experienced, licensed casino advisor in both the cash cage and the count room will provide training, support and assistance. We are well versed in the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission Casino terms and conditions and operating guidelines and we are here to help you. The Casino Games Manager and the trained professional staff will provide assistance to the volunteers as they carry out their various duties. Upon arrival at the casino you will be greeted, signed in, and given a nametag to wear at all times (date, position, and first name only.) You cannot fill any more than one position for the duration of the casino, however you can work as many shifts as you wish. Dress is business casual (be wary of the air conditioning). No jeans, T-shirts, shorts or athletic wear please. Volunteering at the casino is safe, easy and fun. You will get time for breaks and meals. The dining room is available for you to order snacks and meals. All you have to do is sign for it. Special food (i.e., diabetics, etc.) is possible if the kitchen is notified in advance. Please, no outside food or beverages are allowed to be brought into the facility. There is ample parking for volunteers. The casino is protected by security systems including cameras and alarms. You will be walked to your car if you wish, just ask. It is very important to arrive on time for you shift. Your presence at the casino is very important, however, if you will be late or need to cancel, for whatever reason, it is necessary to contact the General Manager. No volunteers may play casino games, slots, horse racing, or V.L.T.’s for the duration of the organization’s two-day license at this facility. No volunteer may consume alcohol before or during his or her shift. The casino industry’s rules and regulations are very strict and must be followed at all times, however, most of the customers are here for entertainment. Enjoy your casino event fund-raiser. The money is going to a wonderful cause. If you have any questions or concerns, please ask your casino coordinator.