LeeAnne Johnston Artist in Residence 2018/2019 LeeAnne Johnston is an artist living and creating in Edmonton, Alberta. Growing up in a smaller Albertan city they immersed themself in books about mythology and fantasy. These themes have evolved as they have grown, with images of monsters becoming the cornerstone of their artistic work. Instead of creating imaginary friends LeeAnne now obsesses over personifying their thoughts and experiences. Drawing influence from folklore, comic books, and the macabre side of nature they produce monstrosities and tortured creatures from within the human figure. LeeAnne uses drawing, printmaking, and painting as tools to explore their own subconsciousness and examine the thoughts and feelings produced by their anxiety. When not producing work LeeAnne is nurturing their comic book collection, attempting to read through their home library, and frequenting local bakeries. Oh, and there is a cat in their life. Sorry, no vacancies.